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Propaganda COM 416 

Edward Bernays' Propaganda Takeaways Blog Post
Leap #1
Fake News Online Game Review

The Fake News Game is an interactive learning game about how propaganda and misinformation are formed. In the game, you are propagandist yourself and play as if you are developing a fake news site. Throughout the game, you try to get more followers on your site, but as the game continues, you are able to learn why certain sites have so many followers. Based on the information that you post, lies or not is based on the interest from the public. The public will be interested in a popular realize, as long as it seems legit. When you are to recreate evidence and take some of the information off track thinking people will believe you are when your credibility decreases. 


I ended the game with the score of 10,234. It was hard for me throughout the game to post about certain topics knowing it was misleading and false. 

I am now a fake news expert! 

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