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For my propaganda mini-campaign, I choose to create content on the ‘rinse, recycle, repeat: recycle empty beauty & personal care products responsibly.’ campaign from This campaign powered by Garnier is an effort to help reduce the amount of space in landfills, with these bathroom empties taking up so much of its space. It encourages followers to create and design a wastebasket in order to help teach people that they can recycle their beauty and personal care products, which 1/2 of Americans don’t do. Specifics to this campaign was found on 

When recycling these products they able to be recalled into things like picnic tables, benches, and garden beds! There is more information that I was able to find on that helped me with creating my campaign. 

This campaign appealed to me compared to others because I’ve always been into makeup products and personal care. I was also interested in working in this campaign because now that I live with roommates it’s important for us to learn what certain items we can recycle and how to do it properly. 

My campaign strategy was to attract individuals to be able to learn how easy it is to recycle used beauty and personal care products. It’s important to know that there are many different ways to do so and it's not the same as replying general household items like plastic water bottles and cans. I tried to do so in my pictograph by attracting viewers with fun colors and images that made recycling look fun.

In my pictograph introduced TerraCycle, a recycling company that focuses on reclining hard-to-recycle waste. They partnered with Garnier in the past and for this specific campaign to make it know to the public how to specially recycle your used beauty and self-care products. 


I wanted the viewers to be able to learn more about TerraCycle and encourage them to visit the website where it shows more specific information and guidelines to how you should be disposing of your items. 

I thought it was important to mention how Mandy Moore was an advocate in this campaign. One aspect I was able to learn in COM416 is how propaganda is made to shape ideas to a certain public. To be attracted to certain propaganda that the author wants to target its market too, it can offer famous advocates to get people interest and thinking ‘if my inspiration does than I should too’. Mandy Moore was a great advocate for this camping and offered great ensign in the program. When exploring her work in the Garnier campaign of ‘rinse, recycle, repeat’, there were numerous articles published about her from top beauty magazines explain her cause on her motive. One of the top articles I found on her and the cause was on Allure, a high-end beauty magazine targeted to females. Her article that helped me with her info graph is linked here, .

Along with an extensive video of a more informative talk from her about the specific work and aspects brought into the campaign. The link to the longer video is here,

Monica Nole Leap 4

Monica Nole Leap 4

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For my next form of media in my mini-campaign, I decided to make memes of the campaign. Memes are images with captions that can be relatable to the public. In my memes, I wanted people to relate by seeing images that they probably have seen before. Along with the inspirational music put into the background that would keep the viewers thinking. A lot of the work that I ended up creating was a caption saying how easy it is to recycle via TerraCycle than not at all. 

Works Cited

Bernays, E. L., & Miller, M. C. (2004). Propaganda. New York: Ig Publishing. 

“Garnier Garnier and TerraCycle - About, How It Works, Tips & Tricks.” Garnier,

“Join Rinse Recycle Repeat With Me!” | Volunteer for Social Change, 


Robin, Marci. “Mandy Moore Wants to Teach You the Right Way to Recycle Beauty Products.”

    Allure, Allure Magazine, 4 Mar. 2018,


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